The idea of reflecting on one verse of scripture a week began in a prayer group at my church, so Twitter Bible started with verses on prayer. Prayer is the way we establish a relationship with God. Reflecting on God’s Word helps us deepen that relationship. So for the next few months, I want to reflect on favorite verses.
Twenty-five centuries ago, a psalmist wrote “Your word is lamp for my steps…” (Psalm 119:105). We need a lamp when it’s dark. We need God’s Word when our souls are dark. Years ago I lived through months when I was so depressed I couldn’t read. A friend introduced me to God’s Word put to music: John Michael Talbot’s albums Come to the Quiet and Hiding Place. I could listen to God’s Word–and sometimes I could sing along.
Psalm 119:105 concludes “[Your word] lights the path before me.” Before I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I had a map of my future. I knew where I was going and how to get there. But MS wasn’t on my map. When the neurologist explained that my physical ills were symptoms of brain injuries that couldn’t be healed, I knew my map was useless. God’s Word became a light for that dark path when I read 2nd Corinthians. Paul tells that even though God didn’t cure his chronic physical ailment, God still gave Paul what he needed to take the gospel to the Gentiles. I learned that while I wrote slowly now, God would give me what I needed to keep writing.
As we focus on key verses, I hope you’ll join the dialog. Next week my friend Regina Smeltzer will share on of her favorite psalms. I hope one week soon you’ll share a scripture too. Please contact me with your verse: press the mail button at the right or email me at suzanne@suzannebratcher.com.
If you have a verse to share but don’t want to write the blog post, that’s fine. If you send me the verse and a couple of comments explaining why it’s important to you, I’ll turn it into a post. Whichever way, please share with us!
Suzanne, Psalms 119 is perhaps one of the most well-know of the scriptures. There is so much meaning hidden within those verses. I am glad you found strength in them during your diagnosis. Any attack on our health is a walk down the Valley of Death, and we have to learn, through Jesus, to fear no evil. God has a plan, always.