“People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7)
Different Perspectives
Our Lord often points out discrepancies with religious folk who think they’ve got it all together.
At one point, He describes the religion scholars by saying, “…they love to walk around in academic gowns, preen in the radiance of public flattery, bask in prominent positions, sit at the head table at every church function. And all the time they are exploiting the weak and helpless…” (Luke 20:46 MSG)
Ouch! He’s not afraid to tell it like it is, eh? The effects of such statements are two-fold. Jesus upsets the religious leaders, but at the same time gives common people new hope. Maybe God sees things differently from the way society sees things. Maybe God measures people by higher standards than our earthly ones.
In the Old Testament, we read, “People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7) But we can get so used to our earthly perspective, God’s perspective seems peculiar.
Heaven’s Arithmetic
Who equates a ten thousand dollar check in the offering plate with a nickel put in the same plate?
Jesus, that’s who! Following his diatribe against the religious leaders, he says a poor widow’s two pennies are the largest offering given in the temple that day.
Everyone is astounded—of course that’s not true. Rich people have dropped in their offerings, totaling much more. But Jesus points out that heaven’s arithmetic differs vastly from ours.
Because this woman gave what she couldn’t afford, her offering counts for more in God’s eyes. She gave her all! (Luke 21:4)
Different Contributions
In World War II women contributed to the war effort in various ways. One made Army SPAM at the Hormel factory in Austin, Minnesota. One joined the WAACs, and another did a man’s work in her father’s garage.
Who can say which woman contributed most? What matters is them giving their all for the cause.
Help us, Lord, to give you our all.
by Gail Kittleson
Wonderful post.
Good start to my day…. a different POV and encouragement all at the same time. Thanks