Where there is great love there are always miracles. Willa Cather
Isn’t that the truth? No greater love exists than the self-sacrificial kind exemplified in many Biblical stories.
Considering the widespread effects of guilt and shame, humankind couldn’t need forgiveness more. And forgiveness comes to us through the ultimate sacrifice of God incarnate. It’s a miracle.
Those at the foot of the cross reacted in horror, overwhelming sorrow, and puzzlement. But a hardened Roman soldier cried, “Surely this man was innocent.” (Luke 23:47)
Miracles of Sacrifice
An innocent person giving his life for the guilty—how often do we see this scene played out in life? Most cases occur in wartime, as in the four chaplains aboard the USS Dorchester who gave their lifeboat places to others when the ship sank in 1943.
These valiant men helped other soldiers and civilians board lifeboats and gave up their own life jackets when the supply ran out. The chaplains joined arms, said prayers, and sang hymns as they went down with the ship.
Such stories intrigue us—how could they make such a sacrifice? Other tales of heroic military actions abound. But what causes individuals to offer themselves to save others?
Miracles of Love
It’s difficult to suggest any motivation besides love. Life gives us other less dramatic examples every day, but often we fail to contemplate their significance.
Mothers and fathers give up dreams and passions and sleep for their offspring. Spouses forgo their own desires for the good of a mate. And later in life, adult children offer their time and care to their infirm parents.
Our culture suffers a dearth of miracles—some would say they belong only to a bygone time. But in the actions of those around us who offer their love in everyday ways, Father, open our eyes to modern-day miracles.
Your Turn
When have you seen a modern day miracle occur because of someone’s love?
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